The Stillness

The past 7 months have taught me many things. One of the things I’ve always known about myself and even wore like a badge of honor is that I am a workaholic and never rest. Part of it, is the profession I chose. As a freelance hair and makeup artist you don’t have weekends, holidays, summers, you miss weddings and dinners with friends. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid, or you might miss an opportunity to work with someone plus the desire to “make it” and do what you love is so great you don’t even mind. You basically risk so much to work in an unpredictable and fickle industry.

The first few months I was angry, agitated and uncomfortable. I didn’t know how to be home, not be on a plane every week, and to be honest how to be a full time mom and wife. My mind raced and my body was in shock. We also moved to a pretty rural area where chances of seeing a bear was greater than running into a human. My identity, ego and (bank account) took a big hit.

I went from getting A list actors ready for awards season to picking weeds, homeschooling and wondering how long I could go without washing my sweatpants. Spring turned into summer and I started to admire flowers blooming, wind blowing in the trees, dips in the lake and spending longggggggg days with my son. Guess what? I really like it.